Limba engleza III Redactare Documente Tehnice
Luminita Todea

ENGRDT Limba engleza III Redactare Documente Tehnice

Cursul de Limba engleza, Redactare Documente Tehnice, se adreseaza studentilor Facultatii de Inginerie, CUNBM, UTCN, specializarile  Calculatoare si Electronica Aplicata, anul II, semestrul I.

This course teaches students the language and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers. A focus on terminology is combined with vocabulary and grammar practice to give students the tools to use English in areas such as describing features and functions, applying for jobs and discussing the world of ICT.

 Bibliografia obligatorie:

Professional English in Use for Computers and the Internet, ICT, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Infotech, 4th edition, S.Esteras, CUP, 2008.